I took some time this morning to reflect on what life is like now
vs. what it was like when the pandemic began.

If you want to experience a real eye-opening you may want to try this for yourself.

For starters, once again we are required to wear a mask at many businesses Just the concept of having to mask-up kind of “sticks in your craw”. Bad enough when the state says you have to, but when a business that relies on your patronage tells you what to do, just doesn’t ring true.

Then there was the social distancing thing. It should be called unsocial distancing.

Bathroom tissue (toilet paper) and other commodity shortages is another thorn
in our sides. It’s really hard to understand how so many large corporations were
caught so flat-footed. All the efficiencies of “just in time” distribution were wiped
out by hoarding and profiteering.

All the restrictions caused massive unemployment; from which we have yet to recover.
Because the government stepped in to pay increased unemployment benefits, it
became more advantages for some not to look for work. (How far down have we traveled?)This
still hasn’t been resolved, so we see a lot of help wanted signs and read occasionally about businesses folding because no one wants to come to work. (Never thought I would see that)

On the personal side, we have experienced the stress of being forced to participate
in remote interaction. Even the family doctor replaced office visits with appointments by smart phone or regular phone. (Good grief). For along spell we were exposed to nightly heartbreaking segments on TV news showing elderly patients in nursing homes with the only chance to visit family limited to the touching of hands on a window glass.

When restrictions were lifted, those who had been pent up for many months
reverted to amassing in groups without masks or social distancing which periodically
caused spikes in the virus. Now it looks as if we are going to have a round two with this pandemic.

Children seem to be the most disenfranchised. Politics and power grabbing have caused them to loose at least a year of schooling, playing with friends and confused about what was going on around them.

Where does this all leave us? That’s a good question. We could never have imagined
these situations happening; especially all of them at once. But, they did, and for the
most part we came through with only a few scars.

It seems that the Delta virus is more serious than has been reported.In addition many who have received two vaccine shots are still getting the virus. The one shot J & J vaccine may not be as
effective as reported.

Kind of makes you wonder. I’d like to put a positive spin on all this, but it’s probably
best to err on the side of caution. The experiences of the past year have made us stronger.
I think we will be called upon to use that strength, so don’t go doing anything that you may
land up regretting.

Trust in God, that if we have to go through another wave of this pandemic, we will be
strong enough to weather it.

That’s all for now.

Ken (the Wordspinner)

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