I’d like to tell you some things about the writing of the novel “Tenderly Beats the Lonely Heart” by K. J. Janssen.
I was prompted to write “Tenderly” as the result of several articles that I read in my local paper about women who had been successful in their search for a child that they gave up for adoption at birth. Several other stories, one about a concert stage collapse and another about Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) rounded out my initial plot outline and the journey for my heroine began.
“Tenderly Beats the Lonely Heart” is classified genre-wise as Women’s Fiction, however Miriam Walton’s journey is fraught with such turmoil and tragedy that the novel became in every sense of the word an “adult” read.
Most will enjoy the mixture of pathos and heartwarming episodes that make up “Tenderly”. Readers have told me that they couldn’t put the book down, that they could easily identify with the characters in the book and that they would like to see the main character, Miriam Walton continue her story in a sequel.
“Tenderly Beats the Lonely Heart”, can be found at as both a paperback an as a kindle book.
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