Before we accept any of the changes to our way of life that the “global warming enthusiasts” are trying to foist on us under the guise of SCIENCE, I think it would be a sensible thing to consider an alternative called WEATHER CHANGE.

Understanding weather change is simple…over time, our planet is getting warmer. A lot of it has to do with the sun (our little furnace in the sky). It is not a measured change that is predictable, except that recorded data on weather shows that there is a trend toward the planet getting warmer over time. Scientists even predict that at some point (probably gazillions of years from now) the planet will burn up.

The above information is readily available and has been for a long time. Schools and pundits choose to ignore these facts in order to push a man-made cause for the planet getting warmer. It has become a political plaything that has attracted trillions of dollars from those who must know better.

So where does that leave us? Do we rush to get totally electric? If we do,
I have one important question. By what method do we produce the enormous supply of electricity that will be required? Do we cover our treasured landscapes with solar panels and wind turbines? Can you imagine looking down at the Grand Canyon and seeing nothing but square miles of solar panels? The point here is to suggest that we stop the rush to be fossil fuel free and be careful not to burn our bridges behind us. We have already lost our energy independence.

If you don’t believe that what is happening weather-wise is natural and uncontrollable, read “The Grapes of Wrath” or the recent bestseller “The Four Winds” by Kristin Hannah.

IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Stop the snowball mindset that is going on right now and return to truth and sanity.

Well, that’s it for now,

Ken (the Wordspinner)

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